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Welcome to the Bella Crown

Established in the year 2000, Bella Crown remain in one location without opening more stores. Because we are waiting for you to open your own Bella Crown in your neighborhood. 

Creator of the worldwide famous Spring Twist, Fluffy Twist, Nubi Nubi Twist, Nubian Silk Twist, Zat Twist, Kinky Twist, and Kinky Locs

Freshly made hair and body lotion with no chemical additives. When it comes to essential oils and how it mixes, Bella Crown has the answer.

We are a hair factory store. We have profit-sharing programs exclusively for qualified Bella Crown Beauty Consultants (BCBC), We can grow together.

Bella Crown Blog

The Bella Crown is a simple, brick-n-mortal, beauty store in Washington DC metro.


Work The Edges

Tianna colored, styled these wigs today at Bella Crown today. I love her creative work. She grew up in a salon where her mom used

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